Monday 29 June 2009

Bernie Mad(e)off

They say you can't cheat an honest man. They also say you can't cheat all the people all the time. 30 odd years ago Bernard Madoff, a jewish boy from Queen's, Newyork set out to prove those two statements wrong. He succeded with the first one by swindling millions of honest (and some not that honest) people out of $60bn. Yes sixty f****ing billion dollars.
But he couldn't prove the second one wrong and today was sentenced to 150 years in jail.
Guys, this wasn't the first Ponzi scheme, and he won't be the last cheat. And there is no financial deal, which is too good to be true.
And, after this credit crunch if you still believe in safe investements and good financial institutions, you are bound to wound up like one of Bernie's clients. Just to give you an idea, one guy lost millions to Bernie and is now working in a supermarket as a check out clerk in Florida.
As I figured it out, the best way to make sure you don't lose money is by digging a hole in your back garden and burying it there. But make sure to put a stone on top of it, just so you won't forget where you buried it.
As per Bernie, I like millions of others am hoping that he will land in a prison cell with bunches of gay rapists.

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